Lecterns provide a useful way of displaying information to engage an audience.
Predominately used in sites of interest, visitor attractions, nature parks for example, our lectern signs are set at a 45° angle as standard. This allows audiences of adults and children to gain access and read the information easily.
NovaDura manufacture and supply durable lecterns made using a 3 & 5 mm aluminium tray system as standard.
Nonetheless, we are able to design and fabricate to your specification, if you are looking for something a little bit different.
Our design and, ‘point of difference’ inclined tray system, has front and rear returns sloped to finish parallel to the vertical post. This ensures any rain runs straight down and off the panel rather than hanging on around a reverse angle.
This is then secured over a sturdy 5mm backing plate welded to the desired post system. A base plate allows secure fixing into the ground or concrete to give further solidity against rocking.
The legs are made to 1.6m length. Set with a burial mount of 500mm, leaves around a height of 1.0m above ground at the front edge. This allows convenient wheelchair access underneath.
Alternatively we can manufacture a ‘picture frame’ style whereby a flat panel can be secured within a frame, secured to the post, if looking for a versatile system, where a panel may need to be changed on a seasonal basis for example?
Picture frame style can incorporate either a 3mm primaDURA aluminium or ecoDURA High Pressure Laminate panel.
Stainless steel can be considered for all our products, so for a chat about available options please call us on 01282 227550 or just submit your inquiry via the form below to obtain a no obligation quote.

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